Phase 3 phonics sounds: short oo sound jolly phonics


How to teach short oo sound:

We are going to teach kids the short oo sound through 6 steps. Each step will add a lot of fun and liveliness to the learning time. Let’s see together:

1. sound short oo story:

short oo sound jolly phonics

“let’s go, Oona, we will be late”, sam called on his sister. They were buying some groceries from the supermarket for their mom. “wait, the cars are fast, the lights are still red”, replied kitty. At that time there was an old man trying to pass the street as he was carrying so heavy staff. “oo…..oo…oo”, the man was taking his breath hard and kept making these voices as he was so exhausted. “Sam, we must help this man reach the other side of the road. Come with me if you want”, Oona said. “Alright”, answered Sam, They went to the old man and offered help. “thanks kids, I don’t know what to say but thanks”. They carried the staff he have and waited for the green light. Kitty and Sam are really nice.

2. short oo sound pronunciation video:

  • “oo” is a short vowel digraph and it can be found in “book, foot, and cook”. Try to keep them remembering that there are two of this digraph a short and long one.
  • OK, to pronounce the short “oo” sound, you should focus on the correct position of your jaw, lips, and tongue. Slightly open your mouth, around your lips, and relax them.
  • Pull your tongue back in your mouth and relax it. Lift the back of your tongue toward the roof of your mouth.
  • Remember, the short “oo” is a relaxed sound, so your tongue and lips should be relaxed, and your tongue should be pulled back.

3. jolly phonics digraph oo dictation:

walk with your kid step by step on his notebook to write the following digraph. Show him the gif below and motivate him to imitate it.

short oo sound jolly phonics

4. short oo sound digraph tracing worksheet:

Here’s the digraph “oo” tracing worksheet to practice:

short oo sound jolly phonics

5. short oo sound jolly phonics – blending exercise:

5. jolly phonics sound j – blending exercise:

Use our phonics phase 2 and phase 3 flashcards to practice some pronunciation activities with your kid: 

  • First level: Make combinations of the flashcards below and let the child recognize which letters are making the sound “oo”.
  • Advanced level: Let the child assemble the words below by himself. keep telling him the pronunciation of the word until he can make the combination alone. 
  • The word the kid should make here is “cook”.

Try other words too…

jolly phonics sound short oo – words dictation:

Write on the board or on a piece of paper the following table of graphemes. Give the kid some oral words that can only be combined with available graphemes in the table. See how your kid will be able to form a word from.


The teacher/parent here may say :


Now the kid has to know how to form the latter word from the table using his listening skills and his knowledge of blending.

after the teacher/parent pronounce the word the kid should arrange the word following the pronunciation he heard

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