Free Printable Phase 3 Phonics Flashcards

Phase 3 Phonics Flashcards

We have clarified previously that there are only 26 letters in the English alphabet, but there are much more sounds than that and we discussed in phase 2 that there may be more than three sounds for the same letters. In phase 2 we focused more on sounds that are produced through one grapheme. In phase 3, kids will be exposed more to the digraphs and trigraphs which you can know more about if you don’t through this article.


Free Printable Phase 3 sound cards:

phase 3 contains 26 sound letters. They are mostly digraphs and trigraphs and just 2 or 3 single letter sounds which are contradictory to phase 2. Kids grow and so does the complexity of the sounds they are able to learn. This phase is suitable for kids from kg2 to the 2nd grade and those are the most suitable ages for a ready mind to intercept two and three-letter graphemes.


Letters and Sounds Phase 3 Phonics Flashcards:

The cards are helpful in many activities that will boost kids learning of sounds. They are mainly designed for blending activities but we can use them solely to test the kid recognition for a single sound card.

The word above is actually “squeeze”. I know how exactly you feel now. you might think it is hard for a kid to pronounce such a word. But it’s truly tested that after learning digraphs like “qu, and ee”, kids were able to pronounce such words. However, you need other more tools for teaching a kid the sound of the letters without worrying that they might forget it. These tools are all provided with more details in another article.
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let’s see in this video how we teach a digraph sound:

Phase 3 Phonics Flashcards – group games:

Phase 3 Phonics Flashcards are also suitable for group work and higher learning levels. You can ask a group to form the word ‘pair’ after hearing it many times by the teacher. The groups that can recognize the sounds that form the word faster are the winners.

Free Printable Phonics sound cards PDF .. Download Now

Download the cards now and enjoy a pretty experience in teaching phonics with these astonishing phonics sounds flashcards. There will be another package for phase4 and phase 5 letter sounds. If you don’t know what exactly the jolly phonics strategy of teaching is, you can read this post.



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